Microfilm Services in Oakton

Microfilm & Microfiche Services in Oakton, VA

It’s easy to lose track of critical documents and records. Storing contracts, health care records, business documents and other important files is a challenge, too, especially when space is at a premium. ImageX provides microfilm and microfiche services in Oakton to help you securely maintain important documents with ease.Unlike digital formats, microfilm can’t be hacked unless the physical copy is stolen. This provides significant security advantages and gives you a proven document storage solution that maintains privacy, secrecy, and security.Contact imageX Inc. at (703) 883-2500 for more information about our microfilm services in Oakton, Virginia. We guarantee that we will help you find a solution that is ideally suited to your industry and specific needs.

What is Microfilm Scanning?

Microfilm scanning, also called microphotography, is the reduction of images to such a small size that they cannot be read without optical assistance. This amazing photographic compression often results in 99% space saving. The microfilm scanning service is one of the most extensively used and common practices in modern reprographic science.The remarkable increase in microfilm scanning activities is due to the recognition that a large portion of books, periodicals, and newspapers are deteriorating because of the poor quality of paper and print. The use of microfilm scanning for almost 70 years has provided an excellent reproduction method for recording photographic images of printed materials.

Advantages of Microfilm Rolls

Microfilm stores single lines of images on a 35mm roll. This roll is usually the same type of material as motion picture stock. One roll can store upwards of 800 broadsheet images. Smaller 16mm rolls can hold up to 2,400 such images.

  • Microfilm requires significantly less storage space. This results in considerably lower storage expenses.
  • Microfilm is made of polyester, which means it won’t degrade quickly. Some forms of microfilm are estimated to last upwards of 500 years.
  • It is not easy to alter microfilm. This makes it a reliable, safe way to secure information and reduce the risk of tampering.
  • No power = no problem. Microfilm can be read with the use of a magnifying glass, and loss of power or computer failure won’t damage the information one bit.
  • Microfilm is easily transferred to digital format. This allows you to create both a digital and hard copy record or additional security.

Advantages of Microfiche Sheets

Microfiche is a transparent film card that is positioned beneath a specialized reader for magnification. The storage format makes it possible to preserve newspapers and other print media that otherwise would deteriorate with the passage of time. Invented and adopted for widespread use in the early 1960s, it remains a reliable, trusted data storage solution.

  • At 4” by 5”, microfiche requires less storage space than paper documents. One small filing cabinet can hold millions of pages of material.
  • Microfiche is significantly more stable than CD-ROMs.
  • Damaged microfiche cards can be recreated from the original documents.
  • Microfiche can store just under 100 images on a single sheet.
  • Microfiche can be searched for specific data faster than many other storage mediums.

ST ViewScan 4

The Leading Microfilm Scanner

The ViewScan 4 takes the greatest features from earlier award-winning models and is combined with modern software and usability to deliver an all-new user experience. It’s equipped with a range of cameras including a native 18-megapixel image sensor camera. In addition, each scanner comes with a three-year factory warranty.The ViewScan 4 also comes with an optional PC. Securely connected to the base of the scanner, the PC comes with the ST PerfectView software installed. Connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to the PC and you are ready to scan! The mouse can be an optional item as the ST PerfectView is designed with touch screen capabilities.The ViewScan 4 includes a powerful new tool—the ST PerfectView. With this, you can quickly read headlines without waiting for the image to refresh and become clear, crop articles, and scan an entire page. Each scan is then saved in a variety of different formats, stored, and can be revisited at any time.

Why Choose imageX for Microfilm & Microfiche Services in Oakton?

Whether you use microfilm rolls or microfiche sheets, the document specialists at imageX can help you select the right storage medium for you. We provide services to government agencies, real estate agencies, banks, law firms, educational institutions, and more. If you have records you want to preserve for decades to come, our team can help ensure your records will stand up to the test of time.Contact imageX at (703) 382-6005 to learn more about our microfilm and microfiche services in Oakton, Virginia.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many images can be stored on a 35mm roll of microfilm?It is possible to store 800 broadsheet newspaper-sized images on a single roll of 35mm film. Depending on the images you’ll be storing, a 16mm roll may be more appropriate; one roll can store up to 2,400 letter-sized images.Will power failure damage microfilm?Microfilm will not be damaged if the power goes out. Moreover, it can still be read with the use of a magnifying glass. While power failure won’t damage microfilm, exposure to prolonged heat over 160°F can cause permanent loss of data.What industries do you service? We service a wide range of industries. Our clients include professional services and government entities, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and more.How long will microfilm last?Most systems in use today are designed to last for around 500 years. For most applications, this is more than sufficient for the needs of our clients.Do you service hardware?Our technicians are experts at diagnosing problems and repairing damaged hardware. If your systems develop problems, we use more than 30 years of experience to find the appropriate solution quickly and efficiently.Contact imageX at (703) 883-2500 for more information about the services we offer to clients in Oakton. It’s our pleasure to help you find the right solutions for your document storage needs.

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