Hardware Maintenance in Northern Virginia
Scanning & Imaging Hardware Maintenance in Northern Virginia
Serving Northern Virginia Over 30 Years
Scanning & Imaging Equipment Repair in Northern Virginia
Chances are, your business makes significant investments in scanners and imaging equipment. ImageX aims to keep that investment serviced and running efficiently. Our services range from economical offsite support services to next day replacement options.To learn more about our scanning and imaging hardware maintenance options in Northern Virginia, give us a call at703-883-2500 or contact us online.
Depot Program
The Depot service program was developed for customers in Northern Virginia who seek the peace of mind associated with a service agreement but are on a tight budget. When a machine under the Depot agreement malfunctions, the customer simply ships the malfunctioning unit to our Northern Virginia service center for repair. All costs for parts, labor, and return shipping are covered by the Depot service agreement in addition to unlimited technical support and troubleshooting. However, preventative maintenance, consumables, and software issues are not.
Carepak Program
The imageX Carepak program is the next level up from our Depot service agreement. Under the Carepak program, simply place a service call and a replacement unit will be sent overnight to your location. Once the replacement arrives, simply return the malfunctioning unit to our Northern Virginia service center and keep the new one that is delivered. The Carepak program is perfect for Northern Virginia customers who desire simplicity and a quick turnaround in an affordable package.
Advanced Exchange Program
Currently, our most popular service level agreement, imageX’s Advanced Exchange (AUR) program is ideal for customers who depend on the uninterrupted operation of their equipment. Much like the Carepak agreement, AUR includes overnight delivery of a replacement unit. However, under the AUR program, imageX will repair and return your original machine. All costs for shipping, parts, and labor are included in the agreement. imageX’s AUR program is the ideal choice for customers in Northern Virginia who depend on the uninterrupted operability of their equipment.
On-Site Service Program
ImageX offers on-site service in Northern Virginia. Simply place a service call and one of our Northern Virginia technicians will go on site to repair your machine. The On-Site Service program is ideal for customers who own big machines (mainly production scanners).
Software Maintenance
ImageX provides tier one support for all the software products we offer. Your calls are taken directly by us without third party outsourcing. ImageX can support customers so they obtain the latest software version upgrades, patches and fixes for our entire product line.Our support services protect the investment our customers have made. We offer three levels of support: standard, enhanced and premium. Standard support provides all patches, fixes, and call support. Enhanced support adds phone assistance for version upgrade installations and onsite patch/fix installation. Save money on professional services charges by upgrading to the premium tier.
Schedule Scanning and Imaging Hardware Maintenance in Northern Virginia
To learn more about our hardware maintenance programs, contact us online or give us a call at703-883-2500. We are happy to repair your imaging and scanning equipment quickly and efficiently! Put In a Service Request
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